Frisco Centennial FFA
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Official Dress

Official Dress


The FFA Association is unique in that we have an official dress that stands for unity in our organization.  The corduroy jacket FFA Members wear dates back to the 1933 national convention where it was first established.   The FFA Official Dress standards were created at the 1973 Convention.  Since this time, the official dress has been worn at FFA functions across the world.  When others see our members in official dress, they realize that we belong to one of the largest youth led organizations in the world.  Therefore, it is important that each FFA member understand and wear the correct official dress while participating in official activities.

Female Official Dress

  • Black skirt - Skirt is to be at least knee length, hemmed evenly across the bottom, with a slit no longer than 2 inches above the knee, excluding the kick pleat
  • White collared blouse & Official FFA blue scarf
  • Black dress shoes with a closed heel and toe
    (no boots, sandals, open-toed shoes, tennis shoes)
  • Black nylon hosiery
  • Official FFA jacket zipped to the top.
  • Black Slacks may be appropriate for traveling and outdoor activities.

Male Official Dress

  • Black dress pants (no jeans - blue or black, leather, pleather, etc.)
  • White dress shirt & Official FFA tie
  • Black dress shoes with a closed heel and toe.
    (no boots, sandals, open-toed shoes, tennis shoes, )
  • Black socks
  • Official FFA jacket zipped to the top

*Remember that it is an honor to wear the blue corduroy jacket and the official dress representing the legacy of the FFA.  Wear it properly - and with pride

Centennial FFA Membership  Grooming Policy*

Grooming- While in Official dress, the following guidelines will be followed:

•             No visible body piercing jewelry is allowed with exception of earrings for girls. Items meant to preserve a piercing are not allowed. Gauges are not allowed. Covering a piercing is not allowed.

•             Permanent tattoos must be covered at all times under any circumstance that could arise in the course of office

•             Abnormally colored hair is prohibited. Hair coloring or dyeing of hues that do not occur in any natural human hair is prohibited. Hairstyles or extensions that might be distracting are prohibited

•             For boys, earrings are prohibited and may not be worn, even if covered. No mustaches or any other type of facial hair is permitted. The face must be free of all facial hair. Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed. Hairstyles that might be distracting are prohibited, including, but not limited to haircuts that are unevenly cut, have designs, symbols, or tails sculptured in the hair; and/or cover the eyebrows. Hair length along the back shall be no longer than the top of a traditional shirt collar (not t-shirt collar).

  •       Above all members are expected to take pride in their appearance and the professional image of the FFA.

* Approved by members  November 16th, 2017 


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